Thursday, October 23, 2008


Today ended the break from soccer practice. It was good while it lasted. If you have been paying attention to my facebook status lately, you will know that I have this big Systematic Theology paper due on Monday, and I just started it last night. Surprisingly, I already have two pages done. I've been thinking about it all day, and I've really let it kinda stress me out. It has just been a while since I've put a big paper off till the last minute and then just busted it out the night before, so I'm a little nervous right now. I've got a little over ten pages left, but I think I can do it. Anyways, I bring that up because the topic of the paper is "God's Will: Secret and Revealed." And it is kinda ironic because as you know from my previous posts, I've been struggling with what God's will is for me pertaining to my internship this summer, and what I should after graduation and such. I got a little more stuff cleared up today about my internship. I still need to do alot of praying and seeking God on my decision, but it was good to talk to someone about it, and get their feedback. But I think it will be good to get this refresher on what God's Word says about His will, and what is revealed in Scripture and what isn't. I just really need a good grade in this class, because I'm not doing so hot in it right now. DANGIT! And as I'm writing this post I'm remembering that I have Greek homework due tomorrow (another class I'm not doing so hot in). Well I'm gonna go do that while listening to my newest friend Pandora Radio

hope you all have amazing Fridays.

1 comment:

Murdering Muses said...

Way to go on the Pandora, I am a lover likewise!