Friday, October 10, 2008


I've got alot of different thoughts running through my head, so usually I would use this medium of the blog to get these thoughts out of my head in some kind of order, but tonight there are so many I just feel like I would have to write like 5 different posts for them all to make sense, that is how scattered they are. Plus I'm just tired and don't feel like focusing my mind on just one thing.

One thing I will ask though is that you continue to pray for my roommate and best friend Nate Nearpass. He went into the hospital on Tuesday and as far as I know he is still there. He had to go to the hospital because he had strep and mono at the same time, and he couldn't breathe through his throat because of the strep, and he couldn't breathe through his nose because of the mono so they had to hook him up to a breathing machine. Also, he couldn't keep any of the medicine down. I talked to him yesterday and he said he was doing a bit better but still pretty bad, so if you could continue to pray for his health. Also that he wouldn't get too behind in school, and that he could return to campus as soon as possible.

Any requests you might have let me know. I would be happy to pray for them. Comments...

1 comment:

Joseph said...

he'll be in my prayers man