Sunday, October 12, 2008


I was just thinking about this tonight. This thought just popped into my head while I was in the bathroom, don't ask my how or why, but weird stuff happens when you're on the can. So anyways... I was thinking about how much access we have to put our thoughts into the world anywhere and anytime we want. Just think about it, these thoughts just popped into my head 5 minutes ago as I was using the facilities and I have the ability to walk 5 steps across my room, sit down at my desk, make a couple clicks and all of the sudden these thoughts can be posted on the World Wide Web for everyone and anyone to see and read. And then if that is not crazy enough, if you are reading this post right now then you can immediately post a response to these thoughts for anyone to see. If you do not agree with what I have to say then you can state that disagreement which could evoke thought in my mind or anyone's mind who reads your comment.

Think about our parents. Back when my parents were my age (20) and in college, they did not have this accessibility. If they had thoughts in their minds then they could make those known by verbally talking to someone and then get that person's feedback, but even still that is just one person. Unless someone was a writer for the school newspaper or even the town newspaper then they could write an article about some interesting ideas or thoughts they have, but that has to go through editors even before it is published, and even still it is a limited audience. And if a reader had comments or thoughts or disagreements with the article then probably the only way to express those thoughts to the writer was to write a letter and send it through snail mail. In which case the writer could write a response to these comments but that would take at least another week before it was published.

Nowadays, like I said, I can express my thoughts on my blog and literally within seconds if someone is reading my blog I can receive a comment about my thoughts. And with the access of facebook and similar social networks, I can post my thoughts and they can be sent out to however many hundreds of "friends" I have. It is just crazy to think about how technology has changed life in so many different ways. And then another topic for another day is videoblogging, which is something that I just picked up last year. The ability to record your thoughts on video and post it for the whole world to see. Again, another topic for another day.

I have so many thoughts about technology and how it has and is helping us. And as you can see from this post and previous posts, I am a strong advocate of technology if it is used properly. That is the key. I think it can help us in so many ways. It just annoys me sometimes when people are so against technology for various different reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is just because they do not know how or choose not to use it properly. So I will write a post like this every once and a while just talking about my thoughts on technology and where the world is going with it.

agree? disagree? thoughts? comments?

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