I experienced one of these encounters today as one of my friends from high school, Matt James, was back in town for the weekend. He has been down south working for "The Academy of Arts," (sorry I would provide a link but I do not have one). He is also going to school at a technical institute, majoring in Web & Graphic Design.
It is great to see how both of us have matured, and we have common interests so it was great to see what he has learned in those areas.
It is also crazy to hear that he is dating a girl that he is planning on marrying in the very near future. But then again, it is crazy to see many of my friends get engaged and married. And yet its kinda ironic because I'm sitting here, single and happy. LOL. O well, thats life, right? We all grow up, mature, get old, married, or stay single, and work. I'm quickly learning that is the way life goes. I'm learning this as people are asking me about school and such, but alas, another post for another day.
Are you running into old friends, or people you haven't seen in a while? Do you enjoy these encounters or loathe them?

A picture of me and my friends as seniors on our high school soccer team. I am second from the right "26" and Matt is fourth from the right "28"
yes mr burns we do love to run into people. I work at old navy in florence and ran into miss kelly glenn and had a nice talk, and today happened to run into mr. duty. Its crazy its been almost 3 or so years that we, were graduating high school. Hard to believe it and also hard to believe mr liske will be getting married in less then a month.
yeah dude, it has gone by so fast. it seems like last week we were graduating from high school. i'm trying to take advantage of my last year in college coming up. you playing soccer this summer?
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