I went on a camping trip this weekend with my dorm floor for the first time in my 3 years of living on the floor. I've never really been that interested in going previously, just because I wasn't really close with any guys on the floor, and the guys that I was close with usually didn't go either, so had just decided against it. But this year I did have some close friends going, so I decided to go as well. And I am really glad that I did.
The trip gave me an opportunity to just relax, but to also come closer with some guys that I was already close with, as well as get to know some guys that I didn't know prior to the trip. God has really been showing me how important it is to have strong male relationships in my life. I have realized this through losing some relationships that I've had previously, as well as gaining some new ones.
Without other guys in my life to keep me accountable, and frankly keep my sane, I would be living a life probably far from God.
I look at my current living situation, in a college dorm, surrounded by Godly men, and I am so thankful for the community I live in. Because I think of friends back home that don't live in a community like I do, and I wonder what kind of accountability they have in their life, if any at all. And if they have none at all, do they even realize that, or are they just living life going throughout everyday, making decisions on their own, without help or advice.
I realize that there are daily decisions that should be made independently, but there are also very crucial and important decisions that need to be made. Decisions that should not be taken lightly, and yet I know guys that don't really consult anyone on these decisions. They don't seek wisdom or advice, they just make decisions based on what they know, and alot of times what they are feeling, and I don't think that is the best thing to do.
I remember in high school I would meet with one of my mentors usually once-a-week just to talk about life, and usually if I had a big decision to make then I would seek advice from them, and over my years here at Moody I have found older guys to fulfill that role, but I think there are alot of guys who don't have this mentor role fulfilled in their life, and they don't know what they're missing.
This semester I've actually not had anyone in that mentor position in my life, and I've definitely missed it. My old roommate graduated last year, and I used to meet with him weekly to talk about life. But thankfully I still have my roommate, Nate, to talk to and to help me through life. And I think he will be a lifelong friend that will always be there, and I think every guy needs that.
It is all about relationships. Relationships with each other. But most importantly, a relationship with God.
Our relationships with each other are just ways to help us in our relationship with God.
Do you have a mentor or friend? Someone to go through life with? Someone with whom you seek wisdom and advice?
If not, I think you should find someone who would be willing to. And the cool thing is that it goes both ways. They help you, and you help them. They may have more experience in one area of life, while you may have more experience than them in another area of life.
It is all about helping each other in order to glorify God and grow closer to Him.
very long very good. i do wish that my name was blue.
o yeah, dangit, i forgot to do that. o well, now that you commented on the post i don't need to make a link for your name. but just in case people are wondering, http://twitter.com/natenearpass
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