Monday, March 16, 2009

literally microblogging

The other day an opportunity presented itself for me to promote twitter to one of my friends. I seized this opportunity considering that hardly any of my friends see the purpose in, or even know what twitter is.

My friend, Jon Looy has a blog that he updates somewhat regularly and it is mostly just different events and happenings in his life, something that probably wouldn't interest someone who doesn't personalize know him, but I enjoy keeping updated on what he's doing.

The other day he made a post and this is what it said in it's entirety,
"I vacuumed the house today. I feel like a woman."

I read that and I just laughed. Just because I know him, and I can see him saying that. But I used this opportunity to comment on this post and tell him how funny it was to read that, but I told him that is the purpose of twitter, a "microblog." And that is all I said about it.

Ya know, its just nice sometimes to give a little plug to twitter, especially since its becoming more and more mainstream, and more people are tweeting.

Therefore I will end this post by using this opportunity to plug twitter and my personal twitter

Are you on twitter? If so, what is your twitter handle? If you aren't on twitter, you should check it out.

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