Friday, January 16, 2009

Breakfast Business

Well the first week of classes is pretty much accounted for and let me tell you I am wiped. It has been a draining week as far as thinking goes. LOL. I have had to drop classes and add classes and figure out how the rest of my time at Moody is going to go. I finally have gotten it figured out and it is not the most ideal schedule ever, but I can deal with it. Now if I can just fit a job in there somewhere I will be set to go.

This week it has also been difficult for me to focus because ever since I returned from Macworld in San Francisco all I have been thinking about is podcasting, videography, videoblogging, and the like, and all of this revolves around starting my own business. After meeting some of my favorite podcasters and videobloggers at Macworld it has just given me so much more confidence that I can do it as well. And then talking to one of my best friends about it, Jared Tolley, he's always up for a good idea and brainstorming about things that we could do in life. I also have enjoyed talking to my close friend Josh Puckett about it as well. It is also interesting that about 4 of my friend's computers have crashed this week and all of them are seeking my help to fix them. In light of all of this I have decided to apply for a job at the Apple Store here in Chicago. If I got a part time job there that would be amazing, one of my dreams actually since switching to the Mac 3 years ago. And since my dreams have been coming true lately this might actually happen!

Also, on another note about school, I've been to breakfast 3 times this week. For those of you who know me you know that this is nothing short of a miracle. I value my sleep very much and for me to get up at the crack of dawn to go to breakfast is a big change for me. The reason for this is that I have an 8am class on M,W,F and so I just decided to go to breakfast on Monday because it was my first day of classes, and then turned out that it wasn't so bad getting up at 6:30am so then I just decided to do it on Wednesday and then again this morning. The disadvantage to this is that I only have 15 meals per week and so it is impossible to go to 3 meals a day for 3 days and then go to 2 meals a day the rest of the week, so consequently I'm going to have to skip a meal this weekend but I think it was worth it.

See this is what happens when I don't post for 4 or 5 days, I have so much to say and the post ends up being freakin long. So I'm just gonna save everything else for another post. I love you all.

Happy New Semester! Ugh.

P.S. My close friend, Josh Puckett has a new blog up and running, go check it out HERE.

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