Saturday, December 13, 2008

a success

It has been another great weekend so far. And its just been great to get all those papers and stuff out of the way. I still have 3 finals to take before I go home on Wednesday, so I'm not looking forward to those, but I'm definitely looking forward to going home.

If you couldn't tell from me last couple posts this week has been a pretty sucky week. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and this weekend I think was part of that light. I realized some stuff through some processing and talking with some friends, so its been ok. Plus it helps to get some sleep as well. Yesterday I slept till 3:00pm cause we didn't have any classes, and then today I slept till 2:00pm. It was absolutely amazing. I haven't gotten to sleep in that long in a while.

O yeah, and I almost forgot, on Thursday me and Nate had our premiere of The Wheel Seat Live It was an episode of our videoblog except it was Live. And it was a huge success. We had 27 unique viewers, which really translates into 27 unique computers. We can't even tell how many actual people were watching because at alot of computers there were more than one person watching. I'm guessing we had around 40 or so viewers, which is phenomenal for our first episode. I'm really looking forward to what is to come. And I just want to thank all of you for making that first episode possible. It was a blast. If you join the facebook group you can get updates as to when the next show will be and other things.

Last night our soccer team had a little get together at coach's apartment. We ate some pizza and watched 2 soccer games, it was fun. And then today I went to Starbucks with a friend and talked about this week and got some things figured out which was really good. Then I took Nate and Savannah to the train station and now I'm sitting back in my room. So it's been an eventful day. LOL.

Just 3 more days to go and I'm home free. Thank the Lord.

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