Saturday, December 27, 2008

:) Marley & Me :(

The following post may provide information or spoilers for
the movie "Marley & Me". If you have not seen the movie and are
worried about hearing spoilers you may not want to read this post.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

I saw the movie "Marley & Me" yesterday with my family and I was
pleasantly surprised to say the least. I was with my family because
my little sister was just dying to see it. At first I wasn't really
looking forward to this experience just because I knew that the movie
was about a dog and that was about it. Later I found out that Owen
Wilson co-starred in it with Jennifer Aniston, so that raised my hopes
a bit because I love Owen Wilson.

So let me just cut right to the chase. About halfway through the movie
I found myself asking the question "How have I been entertained this
long by this movie and am continuing to be entertained? All this movie
is about is a dog." To be more specific the life of a dog. But it is
more than just the life of this dog, it is the life of this dog living
with this family.

And once again I find myself asking another question about three
quarters of the way through the movie, "How am I so attached to this
dog?" I'm so attached to this dog that tears are welling up in my eyes
as I watch this dog get older and suffer from a twisted stomach and
then eventually die. And it wasn't just me that was holding back
tears, well actually it probably was just me because the rest of the
audience had already lost it. All I could hear across the entire theater
was the sniffling noses and people just crying.

The creators of this film did such a great job portraying real life
with the family, and the dad's job, and the birth of three children,
and through all this the dog "Marley" is there chewing stuff up and
causing trouble wherever he goes and the family still loves him.

All in all this was a very refreshing movie. As you can tell I think
it was very well made movie. And for those of you who know me, you
know that I am not the biggest fan of dogs so I was amazed myself at
the fact that a tear was rolling down my face by the end. It was one
of the few movies I've ever cried in and the first thing I wanted to
do by the end was write about it. So here I am sitting in the mall writing
this post on my iPod while my sister is shopping. You'd be amazed at
how fast one can get at typing on this touch screen keyboard. LOL.

Anyways, hope I didn't ruin too much for those of you who are planning
on seeing the movie and for those who aren't planning on seeing it,
you might want to rethink that decision. That's all I'm gonna say.
I'll let the post speak for itself.

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Happy New Years!

A Note:
It took me about half the movie to realize how they came up with the name "Marley" for the dog. Earlier in the show Owen Wilson's character starts playing a song from a Jamaican singer and starts talking about him. If you can't figure it out after that hint then God help you.

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