Thursday, November 20, 2008


You ever think about why people behave the way they do? I don't know about you, but sometimes I just get into this psychology mode where I observe people and the way they dress, behave, talk, and I wonder, how they came to be the way they are today. This doesn't happen to me alot, where I get in these modes, but every once and a while I will see someone do something that I'm not used to seeing, or hear someone say something that I'm not used to hearing, and I wonder, how is it that they came to do these things? This also makes me think about different cultures, and not just different international cultures, but even different cultures within the US.

An example of different cultures even within the US is the Southern culture, the west coast culture, the northern culture, even the midwest culture. Some of these are more distinct than others, but the distinctions are still there. I just wanna talk about the west coast culture. Just this semester I've made some friends who are from California. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the way that these people dress and behave is general to all people in California, but I'm just trying to gain insight into how they are brought up, etc. One thing I have observed about my friends from Cali is that they are very laid back. Not that they don't care about stuff, but they don't let stuff worry them too much, I could be wrong, but I think this could be a result of living in Cali, and just the culture there. Remember, I'm just speculating here, don't go and crucify me because of the things that are written here. LOL. No, but seriously.

I realize, alot of this has to do with the person's personality, etc. but another thing I wonder about, is one's personality a product of how they were brought up, or are they naturally born with a certain personality, I think it could be a bit of both. For example, I'm alot like my dad, quiet, and introverted, but why is that? I think it has alot to do with my upbringing. I was homeschooled for the first 5 years of elementary school. All I'm saying about that is that I definitely didn't get as much interaction with others as other people my age did who weren't homeschooled. So that could've had an influence on this. But like I said, I could've gotten this through some genes, if it is possible for this to be genetical. I'm not sure.

One thing that has caused me to think about all of these things has been imagining myself with kids someday. You can't tell me you haven't thought at least once about how you are going to raise your kids. Well I've actually thought about it quite a bit, just by observing how others raise their kids, and how my parents raise me. Granted I might still be years, and I mean years away from having kids of my own, it is still interesting to think about, and I think we have to think about, even before date, or marry, because the way that I would like to raise my kids has an effect on who I am going to date. If I see qualities in a girl that would give me a sign about how she is going to raise kids, whether good or bad, it will put some kind of influence into our relationship.

Hmm, well I'm trying to decide whether or not go into my next thought that could be a bit more lengthy, or I could start a part 2 of this post in the next post. After looking at the length of this post, I think I will start a part 2 of this post. So look for that. Again these are just some thoughts I've had, but I would appreciate your comments, or criticism.

kids these days

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