Friday, November 21, 2008

upbringing pt. 2 introspectivity

So this is part 2 of the previous post, "upbringing." I thought these next thoughts might add a bit too much length to the last post, and I know how easy it is to get discouraged when initially looking at a 6 paragraph post, and just give up before even starting, so I'm just thinking of you. So just picking up where I left off...

Another thing that evokes thoughts about this subject is some introspective observation. Looking at myself and how my behavior, body language, verbal language, etc. how all this has changed over my lifetime. I noticed the most in my freshman year of college. Thankfully I got 2 awesome roommates who I loved, unfortunately they both got married and moved off campus, but its still awesome to keep up with them. But anyways, both of them used to say the word "frick" alot, and I'll just say now that I have no problem with the word "frick." I never said it before college because it was just never a word that was in my vocabulary, but after living with them for only two months, I found myself saying this word quite frequently. I noticed this after a bit, and I was amazed at how this word just became infused into my vocabulary almost unconsciously. This is just one example of how behavior can be influenced so easily and so unconsciously. And this may not be true for all people, and maybe I'm just very easily influenced because I know that is true for some people, but I think this is true for all people to an extent. We as human beings adapt to our surroundings and sometimes that means changing our behaviors and actions, language, etc.

So a thought I would give you readers is to maybe every once and a while, look at yourself and ask yourself why you do the things you do. If they are things that you do because others around you are doing them, or if it is from some outside influence.

Actually after reading back over this post, I guess it has come a bit of a ways from my original subject of how people are brought up, but I think these are some good things to think about. So think about them, and then if you want leave a comment.


1 comment:

Murdering Muses said...

I think oral language is by far the area were people are the most easily influenced. If your around someone and think positively of that relationship, your going to subconsciously approach communication with that person in a way that they connect best with. Given time, it changes you. I think this is a Biblical principle as well.