So I got it all chopped off? My hair I mean. It was a sad day, but it had to be done. It was just going to be too much of a pain dealing with it this whole summer while I'm doing my internship, coaching soccer and running soccer camps all summer.
Just for the record, I love my long hair a million times more than my short hair but it will grow back, I promise.
Here's a before and after pic
My hair isn't as long as yours was, although it was close before my last haircut. I'm debating whether to let it get long again or go even shorter just once for the summer.
yeah, I definitely would've kept it long if it was long enough to put into a pony tail, and if I wasn't going to be traveling all summer playing soccer. But unfortunately it wasn't long enough to put into a pony tail so I just cut it.
I haven't seen you with long hair, but I know you look good with short hair.
i knew i shouldnt have left. everything has gotten out of control since i have been gone. i dont even know you anymore.
ps i love you
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