Friday, June 12, 2009

A Fun Job

I started my new job on Tuesday. And just in the short 4 days that I have worked as the "media guy" at Calvary I have noticed that this job is going to be different from any job that I have ever had before. And I mean "different" in the absolute best way possible.

In the past 4 days I have worked over 30 hours. And usually with any other job that I have had 30 hours feels like 30 years. It just drags on throughout the day and I look forward to that time when I can leave to go home. But this week has literally flown by. Yesterday I worked 9 hours and it felt like it was 3 hours.

So I was thinking about this and the reason why time goes by so fast is because I'm actually doing stuff that I like doing. On Wednesday I spent all day creating signs for an event in the church this coming Sunday, and I enjoyed doing it. There was just such a satisfaction when I was done, because I knew that it was something that I had created and accomplished.

Now I realize it is only the first week, and it is all still new to me and fresh, and it may get a bit old after a while, but I don't foresee that happening. As long as there are always projects for me to work on then I don't think it will get old. And there will always be projects for me to work on. It has also been a good week because they gave me my own office, which is awesome, and today Katrina made me my own name plate for the outside of my office. I'm kinda mad I forgot to take pictures of everything, but there will be pictures coming soon.

So, moral of the story, its awesome to have a job that requires you to do stuff that you love. Imagine that. :)

How was your week?

p.s. I don't know what that picture of the penguins has to do with anything, but it is what came up when I googled for "fun job"

1 comment:

Josh Puckett said...

Welcome to my life :)