So a ton has taken place in my life over the past 4 days, and God has thrown me a big curveball. Thankfully I can now talk about this publicly.

I have been emailing my senior pastor at my home church in Covington, KY for the past couple months. While I was still at school in Chicago he told me that he wanted to meet with me when I came home just so I could share with him some of the ideas that I had for media in the church. So I met with him this past Wednesday and it went very well. I can't really talk about all of the stuff that we discussed but it was very exciting to see how much he was willing to implement alot of the ideas that I had.
So we met for about an hour and a half and then I left. A couple hours later he found me at the church at offered me a job for the summer to do media and tech in the church. As many of you might know this was something that I had been burdened about for a while, and it came as a huge surprise that he was offering me this job. The only catch was that I was supposed to start my sports ministry internship with a soccer camp the very next day. I had no idea what to do. I knew where my desires were but I wasn't sure if those were God's desires for me. So I talked to my parents about it, I called my advisor at school, and then finally talked to the leadership at the soccer camp and they told me to sleep on it, come to training and then make a decision.
I went to the first day of training, and by the end of the day I had made my decision. I knew that my church needed me in this time, and this was where God wanted me. So I told them my decision and thankfully they were very understanding, and they didn't want me in a place where God didn't want me.
So I am now officially working for Calvary Baptist Church as the...well I don't know what my "official title" is yet, but I'll be working alot with the media and service production.
So needless to say I am very excited about what this summer holds. I have alot of great ideas, but it is going to be alot of work to implement them in the correct way, but I know I'm up to the task.
That is what has been going on in my life recently.
I've spent the past 3 days cleaning my room, and I really mean cleaning my room. I got rid of so much junk, it was ridiculous. And I had to setup what somewhat resembles an office, so its nice to have some workspace now.
I would appreciate your prayers this summer as I begin this journey into implementing alot of new technologies into the church that I believe can be very beneficial in furthering the kingdom.
Thank you all so much.
What are you doing this summer?
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