Sunday, October 25, 2009

Biblical Community

I was given a great reminder today by J.R. Kerr at Park Community Church today. First of all, I am so thankful that I am able to attend a church where I am challenged and convicted by the Word of God that is brought before me each week.

Today J.R. talked about the idea of community (and no I'm not talking about the new show on NBC starring Chevy Chase above), specifically Biblical community. Many times we only go to church to have our needs met. The needs of music, lighting, video, a good sunday school for my kids, etc. These things are ok, but when we start making them our drive and purpose for attending a church then it becomes sin. Today was a reminder that church and Biblical community is not about me.

J.R. also talked about the aspect of investing into other people's lives in community. This builds off of the idea that is not about me. If we take the focus off of ourselves, then we will get close to one or two other believers and encourage them in their walk with Christ, as well as gain insight, and perspective about our own lives.

This point really convicted me. My time here at Moody Bible Institute has been great, but it has been a time that has not exactly been intentionally filled with one-on-one accountability. For the first 2 years here I met with 3 other guys once-a-week who kept me accountable, and we just shared life together. But then one of those guys transferred to another school, and another guy became very close with his girlfriend and is now engaged (I'm not saying those things are bad, I understand life happens). And myself and the other guy became roommates, which has been great, and we have grown closer and kept each other accountable for things, but that once-a-week meeting never happened again.

Today I have been convicted to disciple and invest in someone else's life. To begin a relationship with someone, grow close to them, disciple them, and keep them accountable. I guess this builds off of the selfishness post I wrote a couple weeks ago. I have become so selfish in my own life, and I have not really taken the time to get to know someone new, and really help someone through life.

How are you doing Biblical community? 

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