Sunday, February 8, 2009


To be honest I've been avoiding writing a post for a about a week. I know, bad blogger etiquette, but there has been a couple actually kinda big posts that I've been thinking about, and that need to be written, and I've just been lazy and not writing them. LOL. And I'm still gonna be lazy and not write them right now, because I'm gonna just give a quick recap of my past week, and maybe a small description of some upcoming posts.

I got sick last Friday, like, not 2 days ago, but the Friday before that. It started out with really bad headaches and then Friday night I got a fever, and I was in bed literally for the next 2 days. I did not leave my dorm room from Friday night until Sunday evening. I was feeling good enough I thought to get out and watch the Super Bowl at a friend's apartment, so that was fun. But this past week has not been fun. I started to feel a bit better on Monday and Tuesday, and then it all came back on Wednesday. All of this is happening in the midst of Founders Week here at Moody.

I finally got in to see the doctor on Friday, and by that time it had just moved to a bad chest cough. So I go in, and I explain to the doctor what is going on, and I expected some prescription medicine, but instead I just got a stupid look, and they told me to go home and drink tea and wait it out. Not exactly what I was expecting to hear, and kinda frustrating.

Thankfully, it is now Sunday, and I'm feeling pretty good. Still a bit of a cough, but it should be gone in the next couple days.

So an upcoming post is going to address the purpose of blogging.

This past week, one of my best friends from back home changed his status to something to the effect of, "Jared wants to know why people blog about their life when people don't care." Those weren't his exact words, but thats pretty close. So I commented back, me being the social media enthusiast that I am, and tried to defend blogging. So then he commented back, and this proceeded to turn into a "comment debate." Something I was not interested in getting into, so I told him I would address this topic in an upcoming post.

So be looking forward to that. I've just been avoiding because it takes alot of thought and mulling over, something that I have not been a fan of this week. LOL. Sad I know.

Anyways, that's been my week. Also, one of my new favorite shows, "Damages." Other than some unnecessary sexual crap, it is a good show, and I've been addicted to it.

and don get sick

1 comment:

savierose said...

doctors are SOOO smart! lol
Im glad you are getting better.