Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mondays NEVER Slow Down

Mondays are always my busiest days of the week. I have class at 8am and I usually don't get to go back to my dorm room for more than 5 minutes until around 11:15pm that night. So as you might've figured out, I'm tired as I'm writing this. Today was a bit nicer though for one because I got done with my TA work early, and instead of conditioning practice for soccer, coach decided to have a movie day, and he also ordered us pizza :) I love it when that happens.

But one of the biggest struggles for me on Mondays is to stay energetic at my PCM (Practical Christian Ministry). I am a Jr. High leader in a youth group in schaumburg and I just really struggle to be energetic and interact with the kids. So if any of you from the youth group are reading this, please forgive me for not being as interactive as I should be. But that is one thing that I just need to pray over, and ask God for strength every week.

Also, for those of you who don't know, my new and improved site is officially up and running, http://www.joshburns.net
but you probably already know that if you are reading this post, but just in case. I redesigned it because I have so many areas online that I am active in, so I wanted one place where you can go to interact with all of these things, and now that place exists. Look around, email me any comments or suggestions you might have that could improve the site and that'd be great.

Ok, well here's to another update in the life of...

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