I just don't get how you can move on from one person to the next and it doesn't even phase you.
I just don't get how you can be so close to a person for a large portion of time in your life and then all of the sudden drop them.
I just don't get how you can grow so close to someone and then replace them with someone else in your life in such a short amount of time.
People have value!

It seems ridiculous to me. But then again, I think I was doing the same thing about 2 years ago, so I guess I have should have some understanding of how you do it.
This post comes somewhat out of loneliness, somewhat out of frustration, somewhat out of sitting in an office all day, and somewhat out of just complete surprise and awe at the actions of different people.
This is one of those posts that no one will know what I'm talking about, but thats ok, because I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes that is all that matters.
***This is one of those posts that no one will know what I'm talking about, but thats ok, because I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes that is all that matters.***
No, you're wrong Josh. I know exactly what you're saying. I am a better person for all my similar experiences since high school and I guess that's all you can ask for.
I can certainly relate to those sentiments, all too well.
It drives me nuts how people today, specifically the youth, even in the christian circles will feel that they need to "shop around" in the "dating world" to "find what they're looking for" in a mate. To feel like you have to go one person to the next to build a library of.. "i like this about that person or i like this about that person" putting together a list of "ideals" will eventually lead you a a description of Barbie who exists nowhere in the world and after all that you realize you're back where you started. All of that can be avoided if you just say, "God, i don't know what i want, only You know what i truly want, find her for me and help me know what to do.." and chill out and stop worrying about finding a wife.
Good words buddy..
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